Easy ways to hack WhatsApp


This one of the awesome tricks for hacking Whatsapp account using this simple trick. You all know Whatsapp is the biggest online messaging system using million of online and offline users. Many hackers want to hack a Whatsapp account so this trick is recommended to all of you. The internet is a bigger than the Whatsapp and hackers so to hack a Whatsapp account is not simple to hack So many people is asking how to hack other peoples Whatsapp accounts

This post for education purpose and for secure your Whatsapp account today is the day to hack the whatsapp and more fun. whatsapp is one of the most using messenger all times many people can chat or sent media if you want to hack the whatsapp account you need a spy software or a computer using this. We can do the job. Millions of people using the Whatsapp you all know if anyone connected in the Internet, we can hack. That's it but HACKING IS CRIME this post for the information I have gotten from the Internet, I share this information to you guys. Do you know the Kali Linux? In that Linux, there are various tools for do bad things like cracking, Hacking but it also as used as education purpose if you are the beginner of the Linux world it is very hard to understand this, but you know basic commands that will help in Kali Linux. We can find a lot of things in the Internet.     Read steps carefully    
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This is the century of the Internet, but we also called Hacking Freedom
Note:But remember you. Guy's hacking is the crime and don't try to hack. This just an education information 

Two ways to hack whatsapp

1.       Using spying app
mSpy Features:
  • Hack phone Calls and Text Messages.
  • Hack WhatsApp, Skype and other popular messengers.
  • Track Real-Time Location with GPS Tracker.
  • Spy on Contact List and Web Browsing activities.
  • Monitor Emails, Pictures and Videos.
  • Operates in Hidden Mode and remains Undetected!
  • No Rooting Required! 
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2.       Using MAC address
·         Find out the Mac address of the target phone on which you need to hack WhatsApp account:
    1. For Android – Navigate to Settings —> About Device —> Status—> Wi-Fi MAC address
    2. For iPhone – Navigate to Settings—> General —> About —> Wi-Fi address
·         Once you’ve the Mac address of the target WhatsApp phone
·         Next, install WhatsApp on your phone using the target phone number and verify it.
·         Now, you’ve an exact replica of the target WhatsApp account and you should receive all the conversation and updates on your phone as well. Read Also Get Rs 200

Thank you for reading this article. This is an article all about information and Don’t Hack anyone I remember you hacking is a crime.


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